Easy made and lovely fruit cake


  • 5 dl flower
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 dried fruit
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 dl brown sugar
  • 1½ dl nuts
  • 2 l whisky


  1. Find a middle size bowl
  2. Taste the whisky to make sure, its quite good. Please poor it in a deciliter cup and drink.
  3. Repeat task 2.
  4. Turn on the electric mixer.
  5. Whip 1 dl butter and 1 teaspoon sugar together.
  6. Check that the whisky is still ok by drinking a deciliter.
  7. Turn offfffff that electric thingie.
  8. Pluck two chickens and throoooow them in the bouhl with the friiiiied truit *sigh*
  9. Thurn oh.. ohhn the electhhhriick mhixer aghain.
  10. If the dry fruit gets sticky in the bhoul - dig it fhree.
  11. Taste once mhoore the whisky to make sure its sthill fiiiiiiiiine.
  12. ...Thhhen...yhouu nheeed 2 eating sphoon schaalt, or shooomething...
  13. Btw... itchs noooot thhhat inttrr... interres... important..
  14. Chhhheck whisky.. *hik*
  15. Chop nuts. And then some shugar or what near or shomthing.
  16. Butter the owen.
  17. Churn the baking thin... tin 220°C. Do NOOOOOOT forghet to thurn offh the elhectric mhixer *whoa*
  18. Thrroow the baking thin.. tin outta tha whindhow and cheeeck the whisky aghain.

Gho to bhed. Who the fhuck wants a dham fruitchake

With the wish of a really merry december!

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